13 feb 2013

II Foro internacional de trabajadores sociales: “Cohesión Social. Igualdad de oportunidades”

La Unión de trabajadores sociales y pedagogos sociales de Rusia y el gobierno de Ulyanovsk, tienen el agrado de invitar al 2nd International Forum of social workers: “Social Cohesion. Open Society. Equal opportunities” a desarrollarse el 19 y 20 de junio 2013 en Ulyanovsk, Rusia.

Para más información, acceder a: http://cdn.basw.co.uk/upload/basw_101645-8.pdf

The initiative of holding the Forums of Social Workers in Ulyanovsk every year belongs to the Governor - Chairman of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region- Sergey Morozov. The main objective of the Forum is to improve social services and the quality of life for people in the vulnerable positions

For social workers of Russia it is an opportunity to meet colleagues, to share experiences, to learn about new forms of work with disabled people and other vulnerable groups , technologies and best practices working with these groups of people and the laws that protect their rights. It will also focus on social workers who work in rehabilitation facilities, complex centers and residential - homes, directly with families, and the role of NGO organizations in this process.

Much attention will be given to social workers working with people with disabilities - issues of training and skills development, prevention of symptoms of professional burnout.

 Publicado en aieji.net

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